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November 15th, 2023
5 min read

International Engineering Fair - what visitors asked us the most (FAQ)

The focus of this year's International Engineering Fair was efficiency and sustainability in the industry. For the second year, we exhibited in the Digital Factory 2.0 pavilion, which showcases technologies that enable the transformation of not only the industrial environment, but the entire economy.

The profound digital transformation of manufacturing companies goes hand in hand with the deployment of artificial intelligence in key processes.

At the Invanta stand, visitors were able to see cases of system implementation:

Robotic Safety

Demonstration of a robot workspace safety and a designated safety zones around it. In the defined orange zone, the robot's operating speed will be reduced if it is breached, and the robot will stop immediately if the red danger zone is crossed.

Personal Protective Equipment check

Demonstration of recognizing the proper use of protective equipment, in this case a safety vest and helmet. There had been explained to visitors the benefits of detection with triggering the appropriate response in the event of non-compliance - alerting with a warning sound, light or deactivating the machine.

Monitoring and safety of pallet locations

An example of AGV collection point tracking, where if the system detects people, material, or pallets, it will relay the information to the AGV control system in real time and react accordingly.

We are very happy to see how many visitors and current customers came to the booth this year.

During the trade fair days, there were a lot of questions about the Invanta system, and we would like to share the most frequent ones.

Trade Fair FAQ

1. Introduce us to the Invanta systemThe system uses artificial intelligence and machine vision in the field of industrial safety, an unconventional approach. It is a sensor that contains a camera, which captures an image - most often of the surroundings of a dangerous machine. It also has a computing unit with a neural network that analyses in real time what is happening around the machine, and it also contains an electronic module that communicates with the machine. This is very important because the system can actively prevent a dangerous situation.

2. Have you deployed the technology anywhere? What are you currently working on?We have already many implementations in Czech Republic and Slovakia. For example, we are currently working on an implementation with a company where we check compliance with safety protective equipment, in detail compliance with the correct wearing of safety glasses or gloves when operating with the machine. So here we reverse the logic and do not allow the machine to start until the operator puts on the goggles.

3. What problems have you been able to solve for industrial companies?An example of safety was a high voltage workstation where you need to ensure that the high voltage tester person is alone in that workstation. Here we use the logic, that if the person is not alone in the zone, the machine cannot be started.
Another collaboration is autonomous ground vehicle (AGV) safety, where we have been able to eliminate residual risks when placing pallets at collection points, but also the material recognition capabilities can control where the AGV should go. Here we are moving from safety to optimizing intra-logistics.

4. What are the advantages of this technology?The biggest advantage is the sensor's ability to recognize what is human and what is material. So, we are able to react to what is happening in production. For example, if a forklift is picking up material from the production line, there is no need to stop the line unnecessarily. But if the operator gets off the truck and personally enters the danger zone, the system responds by stopping immediately.
We don't just monitor the boundary line around the machine, but the entire interior area. It's also an option for outdoor use. This is where traditional systems fail because of falling leaves, snow, or flying insects.

5. What is the reason for a company to install the system?We are able to increase safety, adhere to the proper wearing of protective equipment, and prevent injuries and killings, but very often we are able to make material handling easier, improve internal logistics, and make production easier when there is no need to fence the line.

6. What is the interest of companies here and abroad?So far, we are operating primarily in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Now we expanding into the Austrian market, for example, and we are now looking at an installation in Klagenfurt. We also participate in foreign trade fairs, such as Stuttgart or Hannover in Germany.

7. How costly is this safety system for companies?It sounds complicated and expensive because we use artificial intelligence and state-of-the-art technology, but the system is not expensive, and the price is comparable to standard solutions already on the market. Integration is usually not complicated. We can offer classic equipment sales and rentals as well.

8. How long does it take to implement?The implementation is very fast, traditionally it takes half a day. At the same time, we can arrange for production and installation normally within 2 to 3 weeks from ordering.

Artificial intelligence is penetrating all fields, and industries too. And with us, into industrial safety. The proof that artificial intelligence belongs in this sector is the positive feedback and satisfaction of our customers.

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